Dirty Wifey Review

By admin | May 6, 2011 at 4:15 pm | No comments | Ex GF Reviews | Tags: dirty wifey review

Dirty Wifey Review:

DirtyWifey.com is one of the largest online amateur archives! If you’re looking for a HUGE database of digitial debauchery, check this out: over 1000 amateur movies, well over 30,000 amateur pics, access to over 700 off-site professional porno flicks, and multiple new updates almost every single day. Well, it used to update that often. I haven’t seen an update since April 2011. Maybe couples stopped submitting? At least the collection’s already massive. And you guessed it, with such a huge collection you know most of the women aren’t bangable. It’s good that they’re married because it would take true love to fuck some of these fatties.

Good luck finding something in particular. Dirty Wifey provides no search option. No saving your favorites. No downloading the videos either. Most files are really grainy and short, too. Like one minute pump-and-dump short. And with that many files, don’t be surprised if a handful don’t load at all. I found several that wouldn’t play in IE or Firefox. All playable videos are streamable in your browser’s flash player.

Not into man-on-man porn? Careful clicking around. Although it’s called Dirty Wifey, there’s a few solo-guy flicks. Jerking off in a pool? What the!? As well, do NOT use the menu when watching a video. Clicking “photo archives” or “video archives” brings you to DirtyBF.com and no, BF does NOT stand for Bitch Fingering.
If the videos suck like a kick to the nuts, the photos suck like a loving wife on your birthday. You enjoy the blowjob, sure, but kinda wish it was her from 20 years ago. With her sister licking and lapping it up too! Again, why no search function?
Quantity gets top scores. Picture quality gets top scores, too! By picture quality I sadly mean pixel resolution. I’ve seen a hundred hot wife sites so I know they usually contain hot wives. Dirty Wifey has well over 30,000 pics, probably closer to 100,000. I’m sure you’ll find… I don’t know… a few dozen absolutely gorgeous girls. Maybe a few hundred decent chicks. Real bottom of the barrel here. At least you can see their cellulite in high definition!
Remember your Boyfriend link? Yeah, it’s also a glitch in the Photo section. You’re safe when looking at an individual photo, but don’t click the menu from a thumbnail gallery. Otherwise “jerking off in a pool” will seem straight in comparison to the page that loads its load all over your screen.

Seriously, even the page layout makes it hard to enjoy this site. Each photo is a different size and yet they position the “Next” button UNDER the photo. So it keeps jumping around like a whore in heat! Each day is a separate gallery too… meaning you can’t even click “Next” 30,000 times. You’ll get an annoying pop-up saying you’ve reached the end of an album, then you’ll have to go back, avoid the gay links, reload the photo archives main page, select another gallery, and choose another starting picture. All because “next” doesn’t load a new album or start the current album again.
DirtyWifey.com is dirty. I just wish it was the “filthy whore” kind of dirty and not “get off my cock” dirty. The videos are grainy and about as hot as deep space debris. The pictures are mostly nasty and so poorly organized it’ll hurt you to browse them. If you’re looking for hardcore dick sucking and cock riding amateurs, go elsewhere. Hell, just go elsewhere no matter what you’re looking for.

Is it worth the membership? I’d say no. With no annual membership fee, even the best deal is $59.37 for 90 days, almost $20 a month for short and grainy videos and an annoying photo archive. No saving favorites. No content search. No ratings. Just Google Image search “hot amateur babes.” Then you can Twitter your own Yahoo and Google all over their face…book.

Main Info:

Site Name: Dirty Wifey

- Trial $1 for 1 Day
- Monthly $23.74
- $59.37 for 90 Day. Cross sale at signup. Telephone support available.

Picture Details
- Quantity 3000+ sets (10-80 per set)
- Zip Files: NO

Movie Details
Quantity 1100+ (1 minute to 60 minute)
Format: FLV
Delivery: Stream in browser.
Screen Caps : NO

Regular Updates: None
Notes about updates: No updates since April 2011

Extras ( Access to over 2000 professional porn movies )


Content Quality – 10/20
Content Quantity – 20/20
Site Navigation – 2/10
Updates Frequency – 4/10
Money Value – 10/20
Reviewer Rating – 10/20


- MASSIVE photo archive.
- High resolution photos.
- Access to 700+ off site porn movies.

- Short and grainy movies.
- Terrible navigation.
- No downloading videos.
- No photo ZIP files.
- No favorites.
- No searching content.
- Signup cross sale.
- No updates since April.
- Glitchy.
- Broken links.
- Misdirecting menus.

Summary Of Thoughts
DirtyWifey.com isn’t very dirty. Terribly organized navigation kills this site. Low quality videos are grainy and usually too short. Broken links and menues that misdirect you to other unrelated sites will frustrate you. Without an option to download a ZIP file you may as well just Google for hot amateur wife porn for free!

Click here to join Dirty Wifey for only $1.00!

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